“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”  John 1:14 (MSG)

The Advent season is a unique time for us to practice centering on Christ, as we eagerly anticipate the celebration of God’s incarnation through Jesus. Inhabiting zip codes all over the globe, we seek to center this Advent season around the life and love of Christ, joining together with people and places through the transformative work of God’s Kin-dom.

This year, we are sharing one poem each week of Advent. These poems are written from place by friends within the broader Parish movement. Each one is accompanied by a doodle drawn by Coté Soerens and a brief, embodied practice. We encourage you to circle up with a few neighbors or church members and take time to reflect on the poem and doodle and engage in the embodied practice together.

Week 1: Hope in the Neighborhood


 Luke 12:22-34

I live in New York City
so I will consider the pigeons,
around Union Square benches,
french fries that have fallen
from the fingers of friends
on their lunch breaks,
that crumbs are abundant
in a place like this,
laughter to children
in awe of their power
to make the birds scatter,
from the coming rain
beneath the overhang of the 
nearby Barnes & Noble,
free because
what they need
is never scarce.

Practicing hope in your neighborhood: With a few neighbors, take a walk in your neighborhood with no headphones in. Greet your neighbors that you see in their yards or walking their dogs. Try to notice 5 tangible signs of hope like a flower bud, a construction project, or a new business.

Drew E. Jackson | East Village | NYC

Connect with Drew on Instagram! Read more of his poetry and preorder his new book on his website.

Week 2: Peace in the Neighborhood

Witness by Tim Watson

You are faithful
In the thoughtful way
You live out your life
By each word spoken
Through small acts
Every gesture is more than
A token,
It is truth
Truth that you live
a quiet revolution
In your neighbourhood
In your community
Amidst the reality of lived life.
For you thanks is given
Grateful prayers for the witness
Present in every breath.

Practicing peace in your neighborhood: With a few neighbors, take a few minutes to acknowledge your feelings about something distressing in your neighborhood or the world at large. As you share, try to notice where you experience the feelings in your body. Once everyone has shared, take 5-10 minutes in silence together to witness your feelings from a space of unconditional love. If you struggle to feel unconditional love for yourself, picture someone you love dearly and then transfer those feelings to yourself. Afterwards, debrief this experience as a group.

Tim Watson | Staffordshire | England

Follow Tim on Twitter and Instagram @beatliturgist and his website.

Week 3: Joy in the Neighborhood

by Heather Beamish

I see her exuberance spilling out of each embodied exchange; 
Inviting us into the present   

I hear her soothing tenor rumble across the energy waves that spark light in each face;  
Resuscitating purpose 

I feel her expand as she collides with the yeast of gratitude;  
Converting ordinary moments into memories 

She strengthens our connections 
She energizes our gatherings 
She roots, restores, and rejuvenates our souls 

Anticipation multiplies her 
Reflection conjures her 
She is fierce 
And she is free 

Joy is for everyone 

Practicing joy in your neighborhood: With a few neighbors, set a time to gather and reflect on the poem together. Ask everyone to come prepared to share a song that brings them joy. When you gather, play the song (or a part of the song) and notice and honor the ways that your body wants to respond, perhaps through tapping your toes, clapping your hands, swaying to the music, or maybe even getting up and dancing!

Heather Beamish | West Queen West | Toronto

Follow Heather on Instagram and her website. Order her new book, Homecoming in the US and in Canada.

Week 4

Week 4: Love in the Neighborhood

A Golden Shovel for the Ocean in the Neighborhood

after Matthew 22:39

In the peace and power of the crashing waves, I say, “Thank you.”

Salt in the air and stories below, I sway beyond the shore and shall-

ow. I was warned about water, but now I feel its wonder and love.

I am breathing with the Earth’s back and forth. How do you put your-

self in the ocean’s shoes and see the ocean as your neighor?

It begins with receiving her hospitality as

a gift. Trade control for connection and commit yourself.

Practicing love in your neighborhood: Before you gather as a group, ask one person to prepare a brief body scan. You can search Google to find a script, but everyone will close their eyes and find a comfortable position for their body. Begin by taking several belly breaths and then place all your focus on your left pinky toe, feeling into each toe, one at a time, and continuing on up the left leg and back down the right leg to the right toes. Then starting at the belly continue the body scan all the way up the body to the neck, head and face. Gradually, from feet to head, give each body part your loving attention. Afterwards, return your presence to the group and share if there were particular body parts or areas that felt hard to love, or hard to feel into.

Montague Williams | Ocean Beach | San Diego, CA

Connect with Montague on Facebook.

Coté Soerens | South Park | Seattle, WA

 Coté Soerens is a visual thinker and illustrator (and our resident doodler). Connect with her on Instagram.