Cultivating the love of God in and across our neighborhoods
The Cultivate Gathering 2024
January 19-20 | North Park | San Diego
People all over our region are learning to be the church in the neighborhood; groups of people participating in the healing, liberating and transforming love of God in the places we inhabit.
Cultivate is a conference-like regional gathering hosted in San Diego, CA, curated to help us to find and connect with each other, be inspired for the journey ahead and tap into the collective resources for how to faithfully be the church in our neighborhoods.
This year we'll kick off on Friday night with concert at St. Luke's, featuring a variety of talented local musicians and poets from various neighborhoods across San Diego. Buy a ticket for just the concert ($7 presale or $10 at the door) or if you buy a ticket to Cultivate, it includes the price of Friday night.
Saturday will look more like past expressions of Cultivate, with grounded liturgy and music, curated conversations and breakouts, connection spaces, shared meals and compelling talks to cultivate the love of God in and across our neighborhoods.
This year we are moving to a new location, St. Luke’s North Park, to make connections and explore a new neighborhood in San Diego.
Tentative schedule:
Friday, 1/19
6:30p: Doors
7p-9p: Concert featuring local artists
Saturday, 1/20
(Childcare available Saturday 8:45AM-12PM and 1:00PM-4:15PM for an additional fee; registration here)
8:30a: Doors + coffee
9a-10:30a: Opening common session
10:30a-10:45a: BREAK
10:45a-11:45a: Breakout 1
11:40p-1:15p: Lunch in the neighborhood
1:15p-2:15p: Breakout 2
2:15p-2:30p BREAK
2:30p-4p: Closing common session
*subject to change, final schedule will be sent to all ticket-holders
This year we are gathering at St. Luke’s North Park, located at 3725 30th Street, San Diego, CA 92104
Childcare will be available Saturday from 8:45AM-12PM & 1:15-4:15PM. Parents/guardians will need to pick up their children during the lunch hour. The cost is $40 for the first child, and $20 for each additional child. Register for childcare through Eventbrite: https://cultivate2024.eventbrite.com
North Park is a vibrant neighborhood full of fun local places to try. There are many within walking distance of St. Luke’s!
As the event date approaches, we’ll provide detailed information and recommendations for parking. Both street parking and garage parking are available nearby.
We recommend booking a local Airbnb; there are tons nearby!
Our aim is to provide healthy and safe spaces for deep connection.
We ask that you take personal precautions in the days leading up to the gathering, including taking a COVID test, if you are not vaccinated. We ask that anyone with COVID symptoms or recent exposure to individuals infected with COVID please not attend.
We will follow all applicable California State Guidelines at the time of the gathering.
Feel free to reach out to info@parishcollective.org with any questions.
We’d love for you to help out! Let us know what you’re able to help with by emailing info@parishcollective.org with subject line “Cultivate ‘24 Volunteer”
Interested in partnering with us? We are looking for event sponsors. Email info@parishcollective.org for more information.
Parish Collective is a Christ-following ecumenical network bringing people together across intersections and distance. Our main point of unity lies in learning to be the church in each of our unique neighborhoods. When we connect across places, we find the power of God’s love to be healing and transformative. This means we may not agree on everything, but we have a mutual commitment to love and respect, especially protecting those on the margins of our differences.