A Parish Story from Ocean Beach | San Diego, CA
“If your church were to close down, would your community even notice? Would they care?”
This is a question that continues to shape Carter Moss and Submerge Church in ministry as they strive to partner with God to create that kind of church in their neighborhood of Ocean Beach in San Diego.
Submerge Church works to be embedded in their small beach town. They do this through weaving connections with the local public elementary school to support families in need, buying supplies to help improve classroom conditions, and volunteering at school festivals. They’ve partnered with local restaurants, town council, local police, the women’s club, and worked to earn trust with the town Mainstreet Association by showing up to volunteer for tasks most others don’t want to do.
“God calls us in Jeremiah 29:7 to ‘seek the peace and prosperity of the city…pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.’ So that’s what we’re seeking and working hard to do here in Ocean Beach.”
- Carter Moss, Pastor
The people at Submerge believe that it’s not hard to be creative with showing love for your neighbors and neighborhood.. From helping elderly neighbors with yard work to sponsoring a wing eating contest at the annual street fair, if you open your eyes to see the needs of the neighborhood, God will show you where you can join in.
Connect with Submerge Church through their website: submergechurch.org