A Parish Story from Southeast Rockford, IL

For over 100 years, Brooke Road United Methodist Church in Southeast Rockford has been a pillar of faith and support for its community. This church has remained deeply rooted in the neighborhood, continuously seeking ways to serve as the neighborhood changed around them. Six years ago, Rev. Violet Johnicker arrived with a question: How can we be good stewards of our building?

The church’s education wing, with its six classrooms, once thrived with youth programs and choirs. When Rev. Violet arrived, most of those rooms stood empty, a reminder of the changing needs of the community. Instead of seeing this as a failure, the congregation asked, "What does God want us to do with these spaces now?"

As they created space to honor, celebrate, and grieve past seasons, they worked to assess the needs of the community to make their space available to local organizations that provide essential services: language classes, immigration support, trauma outreach, mental health care, Zumba, and art therapy. One such community partnership is with a Swahili-speaking church plant, Victory Church, which worships at Brooke Road at noon every Sunday. On the first Sunday of each month, the two congregations come together to worship, celebrating their shared faith while bridging cultural and language differences.

“God has always given the church new opportunities to serve, and the church has always responded.”

Rev. Violet Johnicker

With the help of grants and community partnerships, Brooke Road now hosts both church-led and externally run programs, all aimed at addressing the evolving needs of the neighborhood. Through repurposing their classrooms, they’ve transformed their grief into service and created space for a wide variety of neighbors to find welcome in their doors, trusting that each new chapter is part of God’s plan for their community. Visit Brooke Road online: https://www.brookerd.org/


A Parish Story from Rosewood Street